Last updated October 14, 2022


Can I sign up for multiple subjects?

When you create a free account, you automatically get access to Topic 1 for every subject available. You can sign up for a Premium Subscription for individual subjects.

Do I get free access to one subject or all subjects?

Yes, you automatically get access to the free content for every subject available when you sign up.

Why can't I access Exam mode?

Exam mode is a Premium feature. If you would like to use it, please upgrade that subject to a Premium Subscription.

Why can't I access topics beyond Topic 1?

Topic 2 and beyond are Premium features. If you would like to study these topics, please upgrade that subject to a Premium Subscription.

What subjects/content are you going to make next?

We are currently creating Paper 2 (structured questions) for Physics and Chemistry, as well as questions for Mathematics.


Do I have to subscribe to all subjects?

No, Premium Subscriptions are per subject, so you only need to pay for what you want to use. You will however, have free acces to Topic 1 for all subjects.

What do I get when I subscribe?

Premium Subscriptions unlock everything we have to offer for that subject! You can access and study every topic in the Question Bank, Flashcards and Worksheets. With a Premium account, you will also get access to Exam mode. This allows you to generate mock papers and sit them within the alloted time.

Can I cancel my subscription?

You can cancel your subscription at any time. You will be able to continue using the Premium features after cancelling the subscription until the next billing cycle.

When are payments taken?

Billing is on a monthly basis. You will be billed for all of your Premium Subscriptions on the same day, every month.

If I cancel my subscription is it for all subjects?

No! Premium Subscriptions are independent of each other. This means that if you have a Premium Subscription to Chemistry and Physics, you can choose to downgrade only one subject or both.

For further questions and information, please contact us at: +44 7487 617 226 or admin@abaccus.app


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